The use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) has become an integral part of online security in the modern world, but few people realize that hackers can also use VPN for their malicious purposes. Nevertheless, there are ways to protect yourself from this type of threat.

Choosing a VPN service

The first step in protecting against hackers who use VPN is to choose a reliable and proven VPN service. When choosing, attention should be paid to the provider’s reputation, its logging policy, and security technical characteristics. Additionally, it is worth using a VPN with built-in protection against DNS and WebRTC leaks to prevent possible exposure of your true IP address.

Software Updates

Additionally, it is important to ensure that your device is always updated and has antivirus software installed. Regular software updates will help to eliminate vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit, and antivirus software will help to detect and block potentially harmful programs in a timely manner.

Installing Additional Software

It is also important to install additional software that can detect and block suspicious network activity. Firewalls and integrated web application security systems can be an additional barrier for hackers trying to use VPN for attacks.


Overall, using VPN in combination with other security measures, such as antivirus software, software updates, and additional network equipment, will help minimize the risks of hacker attacks, even if wrongdoers use VPN for their purposes.